YBT equips youth in Africa to fulfil their potential to shift the continent to a prosperous future.


Technological advancement is transforming Africa.

The skill sets needed to compete in this new economy continue to change, leaving too many low skilled workers struggling to find employment. With unemployment already on the rise, and an exploding population, African youth are faced with massive challenges in finding work. Youth Bridge Trust is on a mission to equip young people across the continent with the knowledge and skills needed to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution!



At the heart of our organisation is our commitment to leveraging our relationships to strengthen partnerships and collaboration for development to ensure increased preparation for and participation in the future of work. YBT’s three strategic objectives are the following:


Provide funding to organisations and implementing agencies future of work programmes.


Provide capacity building to organisations and implementing agencies through provision of resources.


Be thought leaders in youth development in Africa through our knowledge hub. Share lessons learned for future of work programmes.


Youth bridge Trust is an innovative grant making entity based in Johannesburg South africa. We aim to create opportunities for young people to be successful in the workplace, develop livelihood skills, and further their education, through partnerships and collaborations. We have developed programs and partnerships throughout Southern Africa, and fund grantees whose programs align with our vision and mission.


Our Impact

Our aim is to see youth across Africa who are hopeful about their future, have life skills, workplace skills, entrepreneurial skills and computer skills, have access to technology, and most importantly, inclusive and equal access to the economy. We are seeing this happen across South Africa and Namibia through the Fit for Work, Fit for Life programmes! Check out some of the impact taking place across these programmes.




Over 2000 youth have been placed in jobs



Over 5000 youth have received life skills, workplace skills and entrepreneurial training.


Business Start ups

Over 150 youth have moved forward with their own business start up.


Get Involved

Youth Bridge Trust is driven by highly skilled, motivated and passionate individuals who believe in empowering youth and that real change is possible.

At the heart of the organisation is our commitment to leveraging our relationships to strengthen partnerships and collaboration for development to ensure increased preparation for and participation in the future of work.

Learn more about how you can partner with us today!


Creating a bridge for african youth

The young men and women of Africa who seek entry to the economy require a ‘bridge’ from where they are to where they want to be. This ‘bridge’ will assist them in stepping over the various barriers to entry into the economy. They also need to equip themselves with the mindset and skill set that will enable them to prosper in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Youth Bridge Trust focuses efforts on impacting youth between the ages of 15-30 that live in rural and urban areas. Our focus areas are:



Workforce readiness has long been a cornerstone of traditional education systems and development programs, instilling foundational skills such as time management, personal presentation, and attendance. The work readiness skills include both foundational cognitive skills and noncognitive skills or  soft skills, which are defined as personal characteristics and behavioural skills that enhance an individual’s interactions, job performance, and career prospects such as adaptability, integrity, cooperation, and workplace discipline. Through our FLFW programme we provide a foundation to individuals’ entry and ongoing success in the workplace, ranging from initial job search to maintaining continuous employment.

livelihood skills

The Fourth Industrial Revolution increases the need for “essential human skills” commonly referred to as “soft skills” that include creativity, complex problem solving, relationship building, communication, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking. In addition, youth also note the growing need for courage, resiliency, adaptability, and resourcefulness. The FLFW programme offers livelihood skills which equip the youth to integrate and collaborate with internal and external workplace stakeholders. These skills include personal attributes, social skills, and communication abilities that support interpersonal relationships and interactions with others.



Entrepreneurial development today has become very significant in view of its being a key to economic development. The objectives of industrial development, regional growth, and employment generation depend upon entrepreneurial development. Entrepreneurs are, thus, the seeds of industrial development. The FLFW programme offers knowledge and abilities that support success in creating and building a workplace opportunity or idea for business start-ups.  

Connection to Further Educational Opportunities 

Research has shown that educational systems have not kept pace with the changing nature of work in Africa. There are gaps in technical skills such as STEM subject degrees but also in soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and punctuality. There are far more prospective workers than there are jobs available, and many youths are not able to afford to study further and become more specialised. This is where youth development programmes such as FLFW come in. FLFW offers young people work readiness programmes, opportunities to advance their education and make a difference in their communities changing Africa for the better.





Today, I am a full time fieldworker for the Wits team that focus prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The FLFW programme impacted my life positively because what I learned is making a big difference in my work environment. I want to be a social worker.” 

Phuti Cindy Mabulela / Read Full Story